The jungle held many new and exciting and "interesting" experiences for Billy. It took 2 days of driving to get into the place where these disciples were training. The first day was mostly on paved road, but the second day was completely dirt/rock/holes/boulders.
Food was "different". Lots of yucca and rice! One day they ate sopa de platanos (green banana soup) with fish parts. Another day was a fish broth soup, in which Billy received the fish head. The type of fish they were serving that day was what we know as a sucker fish - you know the sucker mouth fish that clean the sides of aquariums? Well they come from the jungle and they are huge and they suck/filter the mud at the bottom of the river. So Billy received the head, which was a complement to him because it is "the good part" they told him. He picked off what little meat there was on the head and called it a day, but was informed that he left all of the good stuff - the sucker lips and the eyes are the most important part. Not wanting to offend anyone, he did the gracious missionary thing and ate "the good parts", much to the delight of the others at the table. "How to win friends and Influence people, by Billy Drum!" In doing this feat, he made fast friends of several people, who then convinced the cook to make him a special type of tamale for lunch (yes, the fish head soup was breakfast). The tamale was in the shape of a giant hershey's kiss, wrapped in a banana leaf. It was filled with chicken, rice, corn, and a hard boiled egg. He said it was delicious!!! All in all, he says that the food wasn't terrible and he didn't die or bring home any internal parasites, so all is well. Plus, he made great friends over the dinner table.
Billy can't wait to return, and he can't wait to take us with him. He now has new friends. One friend wants the whole family to come and he will meet us with his boat and take us to his house (3 hours upriver deeper into the jungle) to spend several days with his family. I'm sure we will do it - maybe next year after the rainy season passes.
If we could get a camera down there you could be a hit on the Food Channel. Teach us all the proper way to eat fish head breakfast.
It sounds like a psalm or a proverb, "My house is always filled with those who study the word of the Lord." How great to do a work so large that you have to yardstick to measure it.
Jim L
That should have been "have NO yardstick to measure it".
The tamale is called Juane. There is history behind that name. It is very interesting
Billy and Laurie,
Today we are studying Quechuan people and so we came to your site to look at pictures. When we read the story about the jungle experience and Billy's soup eating, Isabelle almost threw up and Ethan just wants to see pictures. Also he wants to know if the dirt was still in the fish mouth? They really enjoyed the stroy about Lucha and that she eats whatever she wants. Thanks for your stories! Love, The McClain's
We are praying for you!
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